Inspiration nursery
This is how I add embroidery to most quilts I do, most often with a song, poem or part of a kids book. I always write both in the embroidery and on the label where the words came from.
These are the birds that I cut out from print outs from the pictures that my sister emailed. Then I traced them on 2 fabrics with Washable Crayola markers. Which are my favorite marking tool! I buy several thin sets at back to school time and I use them until they wear out then I toss them. Much cheaper then the markers that I have bought at quilt stores. And I have had no trouble with them washing out either. But that is my personal experience only.
Next I cut them out and basted with water soluble thread, sometimes I use water soluble glue to attach them. This time I will be using safety pins....the economy you know, and I don't want to spend as much as it would be with shipping to just order the glue. I have not needed enough to place an order for enough things to buy the glue either. Unfortunately the 2 specifically quilt stores and one thread and sewing machine shop and the multipurpose fabric store closest to me do not carry the glue. I wish that washable school glue worked that way but it does NOT!! It only washes out while it is still wet. I have used the glue sticks, but I don't like them as much as the liquid....again just my personal experience!!
So that is my current project...enjoy and come back to see other stuff that I have done and will do!
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